Since the inception of the smartphone and the emergence of the social media network, the popularity of the photograph has shot up massively. But the kind of photo that you’ll see being snapped on a cellphone and uploaded to Facebook and Instagram is likely to be young people with their friends or boyfriends and girlfriends. No young people are queuing up to get into photos with their family. And why? Well, sometimes they can be an embarrassment. Family photos can often be terrifyingly humiliating. We’ve got a gallery of awkward pictures here that demonstrate that theory exactly. Get your cringe hats on, folks, it’s gonna be a tricky ride…

We’re not entirely sure what the family dynamic is in this photo. But whatever it is, we can be sure that it’s a bit weird to all pose topless in the same photo. Even if one of them is pregnant. We can still see you’re pregnant with your clothes on, you know! Again, we keep wondering, why do people agree to be in these photos? At least that kid has the decency to look ashamed…

We get that a lot of people consider their pets to be part of the family. And there’s nothing better than commemorating this human/animal bond by having them join you in a family photo. But, guys, do you really have to be naked? These cats really do not look amused, and we don’t blame them. We notice their paws are being held very tightly as well, shame. ME-OW.

Well, we guess that these parents are REALLY proud that their kids are in the swim team. So much so that they’ve decided to pick this as the theme for their family Christmas card photo. Is that even a winning rosette they’ve topped the tree with? Talk about pushy parents. We can’t imagine their friends and relatives were pleased with the fact that this image will be adorning their fireplaces for the next month…

Well, we don’t really know where to start with this particular family photo fail. We would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when this concept was discussed;

‘Let’s get the whole family together and get loads of matching nightgowns and caps made up and wear ‘em for a photo.’


‘I dunno. Just… Y’know… BECAUSE!’

‘Fine. Whatever.’

What’s even more worrying is that the whole family actually consented to this idea. And they all look quite happy about it. What a weird bunch.

This photo really makes us cringe, it is just so AWKWARD. This trend for Dad’s getting involved in pregnancy photos needs to stop. Now. From this guy’s pot ‘pregnancy’ belly to his facial expression, there’s nothing not awful about this photograph. Apart from his lovely pregnant girlfriend, of course. But then, she did choose to procreate with him, so we have doubts about her too. Pray their kid never gets to see this photo in years to come.

This guy is already embarrassed about being kissed by his parents, and he’s still only a baby. It is pretty embarrassing though, isn’t it? Especially as these type of photos are going to be displayed on a wall or mantelpiece for years to come. At least, by pulling this face, this little guy’s street cred is firmly in place for when his buddies come round 15 years later.

This Mom was taken unawares when this photo was taken, she didn’t even have time to wax! No, really, we do kinda wonder why this Dad is in drag in this particular photo, although the baby in the pumpkin costume might be a giveaway. But really, who are we to judge? Anyway, we’re much more concerned with the giant blow up man lurking in the background.

These guys have come out in sympathy for their dogs medical condition and have decided to wear cones in support. We don’t think they’re in any danger of ripping out their stitches with their teeth, unlike Fido, here. Or are they? We don’t know, but what we do know is that they both look a right pair of idiots with those cones on. And Fido knows it too. Fail.

We’re not sure what’s more terrifying about this photo, the creepy kid on the end in the mask, or that dude’s moustache. We’re kidding, it’s DEFINITELY the kid. What on earth is going on here? Surely the kid can’t be that ugly, that this mask makes it any better? It’s a shame that cropping clearly hadn’t been invented at that time… Whatever the reason, this family photo will certainly be haunting the generations to come.

Another pregnancy photo here. We get that people want to commemorate what is an important moment in their lives; bringing a living being into the world and all that. But do we really want beings coming into a world where photos like this exist. Particularly if they are your parents! Think of all the effort it took to draw this on her belly. Really guys, an ultrasound photo would have done.

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