There aren’t many pastimes and hobbies which launch entire types of clothing. You don’t get reading socks or video games gloves, do you? But with yoga? Apparently the weird bendy sorta spiritual exercise necessitates an entire range of pants. They’re known as, as you probably know or can work out, ‘yoga pants’. And, if we’ve learned one thing in our time here, it’s that things fail. So it makes sense that yoga pants fails are a thing. And it’s the yoga pants fails of the rich and famous that we’re interested in here. Let’s look at ten of the best…

We haven’t got time to go into detail about exactly what’s wrong with the wardrobe of British comedian and politics bore Russell Brand. So we’ll just stick with one particular pair of pants. These yoga pants right here. Even his mom looks embarrassed to be seen with him here. Those pants just look like bandages. He looks like half a mummy ferchrissakes. For a vain man, it’s weird how he doesn’t mind looking like a total douchebag, isn’t it?

Shia Le Beouf. You already know that he’s a weirdo, you don’t need us to tell you. Although we’re going to tell you, anyway – ‘Shia LeBeouf is a weirdo’. Paper bags on heads at movie premieres is one thing, Transformers appearances are another. But neon pink yoga pants in public? No, no, no… That’s just too much. How can anyone – let alone a leading man Hollywood guy wear this kind of get-up in public? Scandalous.

Iggy Azalea here, the blonde bombshell rapper who spits lyrics as fast as she wins over men. We’re not entirely sure why we picked this picture out as a celebrity yoga pants fail, actually. You know, now that we think about it, we may have messed up here. After all, just check it out… It’s all win, isn’t it? Damn. Sorry, readers. Sorry, Iggy. We don’t know what we were thinking here…

Cuban-American glamour model Vida Guerra certainly opts for a tighter yoga pant than most people. These bad boys are riding higher than Snoop Dogg on a rollercoaster. Talk about a wedgie… Man, those things are about one flight of stairs away from cutting her fully in half. When your yoga pants are so tight you’re in danger of dying, it’s gotta go down as a certifiable fail. See a doctor immediately, Vida.

Khloe Kardashian is definitely a Kardashian. And we’re not just talking about the fact that she clearly and demonstrably has the same surname as the rest of her family. We’re talking about that booty. It’s recognizable, we’re sure you’d agree. And when your family butt is quite as shapely as this, you’ve got to wonder if yoga pants are the best idea in the world, really. You can almost see what she ate for brunch for Pete’s sake…

Jennifer Lopez is remarkably fit and attractive for a woman of her age. And that’s not come easy. As the years advance you have to really try your best in order to keep trim and it’s not easy. Things like yoga are an absolute must, they’re essential. But it’s not essential to be snapped out in public wearing super-tight yoga pants that ride up high at the front, though. Let’s hope J-Lo’s learned her lesson since these pictures surfaced.

Kim Kardashian refuses to learn from already yoga pants-failing sister Khloe. Here we see Kanye’s other half dropping a major clanger wandering out of the house in yoga pants as well. The tightness is due to cause some embarrassment later but it’s the chafing we’d be more worried about. Surely she’s uncomfortable here, but far too busy sending a pointless tweet or uploading a photo to Instagram for a million idiots to obsess over.

Anne Hathaway will be left Les Miserables after she sees these embarrassing photographs of her in a pair of uber-tight almost denim-looking yoga pants that have hit the internet. Again, someone needs to have a word with all these celebrities and let them know that a life in the spotlight and constant media and paparazzi attention doesn’t mix with ridiculously tight pants that get gynecological.

Angela RenĂ©e White – aka Blac Chyna – is, according to her Wikipedia page, ‘an American urban video vixen, diverse model and business owner’. Whatever all that means. We just remember her as an Owner/Operator of an Enormous Butt. With a backside this size, it’s all but(t) impossible to find a pair of pants that wouldn’t be stupidly tight on her. Also, we don’t know if you’ve noticed, but she’s got a big a*s…

Jennifer Lawrence made quite a big fuss over The Fappening when it all kicked off. You know, all those leaked photographs that hit the net when a hacker got into some famous people’s clouds. So we can imagine that she’s not a massive fan of pictures like this springing up. It’s not technically all that explicit, but still. Yoga pants as tight as this don’t exactly leave much to the imagination, do they?

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