How to Prevent Hair Loss While on Accutane

Accutane is a brand name for the prescription medication Isotretinoin, which is also available under a variety of generic names. The drug is a synthesized form of Vitamin A, and it treats severe acne by inhibiting the body's production of sebum, or oil. Accutane can cause a wide array of side effects, including dry skin, eye irritation and nose bleeds, in addition to hair loss. If you do experience hair loss while taking Accutane, it will probably stop shortly after you stop taking the drug, although the texture of your hair may be permanently changed. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do to entirely prevent hair loss while you are taking this medication, although taking good care of your body and of your hair might help.

Maintaining Your Body's Natural Balance

1. Take the lowest effective dose. 
The more Vitamin A you have in your body from Accutane, the more likely you are to suffer from adverse side effects, including hair loss. Ask your doctor what the lowest dose is that would be effective for treating your condition.

2. Talk to your doctor about vitamin supplements
Accutane may cause vitamin deficiencies in some patients, so it may be a good idea to have some blood work done. Your symptoms may also be caused by the extremely high doses of Vitamin A your body is getting from Accutane.
  • Accutane can also cause a deficiency of B vitamins, specifically folic acid, in some individuals. If you are found to have a deficiency, taking B vitamin supplements may help your hair grow faster and become stronger. You can also try eating foods that are rich in folic acid, such as broccoli, asparagus, green peas, avocados, bananas, papayas, white rice, and beef liver.
  • Healthy levels of vitamins C and E, zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium, and Omega-3 fatty acids are also needed to help prevent hair loss and thinning. Consider taking multivitamins and other supplements that contain these ingredients.
  • If you take multivitamins, check to make sure they do not contain Vitamin A. If they do, try switching to a different multivitamin in order to reduce symptoms that may be caused by an excess amount of the vitamin in your body.
3. Combat hormone imbalances while taking Accutane
Accutane is thought to suppress the levels of certain pituitary hormones, although its exact effects on the body's hormones are not well understood. Talk to your doctor about prescription medications and lifestyle changes that can help you maintain balanced hormones.
  • Symptoms such as weight loss, decreased appetite, sensitivity to cold, and fatigue may indicate that you have a hormonal imbalance.
  • Eating lots of quinoa, salmon, avocados, broccoli, eggs, and almonds may help you naturally balance your hormones.
4. Reduce stress to prevent hair loss
Stress can cause hair loss, and combined with the effects of Accutane, may worsen your symptoms. If you are very stressed, activities such as yoga, meditation, or even therapy might benefit you.

5. Embrace a healthy lifestyle
Make sure you eat a healthy diet, rich in lean proteins, anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegetables, and healthy oils. Getting the proper nutrition will help keep your hair as healthy as possible. Proper hydration and regular exercise may also help you combat your hair loss.

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