Using Egg Oil to Prevent Hairfall

1. Know the benefits of egg oil
Egg oil (also known as ovum oil and egg yolk oil) is derived from the yolk of chicken eggs and contains mainly fatty acid derivatives (e.g. triglycerides, lecithin) as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which help revitalize the follicle cells in your hair. In addition, it also contains anti-oxidant xanthophylls, like lutein and zeaxanthin, which arrest premature aging (graying) in your hair, and immunoglobulins, which reduce inflammation. As an added bonus, the cholesterol in egg oil brings luster and shine to your hair and eliminates dandruff.
  • Egg oil is mess free and stable. It is a more convenient alternative to egg yolk masks and does not smell like raw egg yolks or cook in the hair during a hot shower. There is no risk of salmonella which could give you a scalp infection.
2. Make or obtain egg oil
You can make your own egg oil simply by heating egg yolks on the stove in a saucepan until they elicit a dark colored oil. Make sure to cool the oil before applying to your scalp, as you don't want to burn yourself.
  • You can also mix the egg oil with ingredients like two tablespoons olive oil to make create more of a mask and easier to apply. Another option would be to a tablespoon or so of honey, both for its nice scent for also for the shine and vitality it will add to your hair.
  • You can purchase egg oil commercially. Just make sure that you are buying 100% egg oil and not something combined with artificial solutions or chemicals.
3. Massage egg oil into the scalp
Using your fingertips, work the egg oil into your scalp gently with small circular motions. Do this for five to ten minutes.
  • Make sure you've evenly spread the egg oil into your scalp.
4. Leave on overnight
Egg oil needs time to act. Leave it on at least three hours or preferably overnight. If you wear it overnight, do not forget to cover your pillow with a cloth to prevent oil stains.
  • Alternatively, you could wrap your head in a clean towel after you apply the oil to your scalp and then sleep with the towel on, though this may or may not be comfortable for your neck.
5. Shampoo your hair between egg oil applications
Shampoo off the egg oil the next morning (or whenever you're in between egg oil applications) with a gentle, high quality shampoo, preferably an herbal or natural shampoo with no artificial ingredients or chemicals. Use shampoo only once as repetition removes the natural lipids of hair making it dry and brittle.
  • If possible, let your hair air dry after shampooing. This remove the possibility of further damaging your hair through the high heat and power of a blowdryer.
6. Use egg oil consistently
Apply, massage, and leave egg oil on your sleep at least twice a week for at least 12 weeks for visible results. Regular, continued use is important for proper nourishment of the follicular cell membranes in the hair.
  • Continue long term massage therapy of egg oil to prevent hair loss and graying. Discontinuing use may gradually bring back hair fall problems and resume graying.

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