10 Space-Related Conspiracy Theories That Will Make You Think Twice

The solar system that we call home is a fascinating place. It's our own little neighborhood in the infinite universe, and we're still discovering new things about it every single day. There are, however, some space findings and scientific theories that many people feel have been hidden from the public, and kept secret by government organizations. This has inspired people to come up with pretty wild theories of their own, ranging from believable, to scary, to downright entertaining.

Here are 10 space- and UFO-related conspiracy theories that people actually believe in.

1. Comet Landing
The European Space Agency pulled off a remarkable feat when they successfully docked the Philae spacecraft on a comet. Due to odd circumstances surrounding the event (including the ESA claiming to have heard strange sounds coming from the comet), theorists argue that the comet was actually an alien object.

2. Alien Jesus
One of the most widely circulated UFO conspiracy theories out there is that Jesus was actually an alien. While it seems far-fetched, it would explain pretty much all of His miracles.

3. NASA Sent Astronauts to Another Planet
While humans have only officially visited the moon, UFO theorists believe that mankind has gone much farther. They claim that a dozen astronauts were sent to a planet 37 light-years away called Serpo during the Kennedy administration. They were supposedly part of an exchange program implemented by grateful aliens who were saved after their spacecraft crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.

4. The Velikovsky Theory
A man named Immanuel Velikovsky wrote a book about his theory that many of the cataclysmic events in the Bible really did take place, but were caused by celestial bodies having an effect on our planet.

HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, and it's a program based on studying the ionosphere. After a Russian Mars probe was unable to leave the atmosphere, some suggested that HAARP researchers stopped the probe from carrying out its mission.

6. The Eye of Saturn
This massive anomaly on Saturn's north pole has a lot of people scratching their heads to this day. Some have scrutinized photos of the Eye of Saturn and noticed geometric shapes and patterns, leading to suspicions of a mythological power sitting at the center of the formation.

7. America's Hidden Space Fleet
While the United States has one of the most sophisticated terrestrial militaries in the world, when it comes to space warfare, we're woefully unqualified. Or are we? According to some theorists, NASA's mission for space exploration is merely a front. Allegedly, their real aim is to build and maintain a fleet of interstellar warships that are in orbit above Earth as we speak. The evidence offered for this supposed space fleet is a cryptic reference to something called the Solar Warden Program that was mentioned in a leaked document from the U.S. State Department.

8. The Lucifer Project
Some space conspiracy theorists believe that a NASA mission to protect the moons of Jupiter was actually a preliminary test for the Lucifer Project, which is basically a plan to turn Jupiter into another sun.

9. Hubble Telescope
Some say that to cover up the fact that no human has ever been to the moon, NASA has refused to use the Hubble telescope to take pictures of the moon rovers left behind from previous missions. Theorists are suspicious, since this would be a simple way for NASA to quell any doubts about the moon landing.

10. Human Colony on Mars
An alleged former NASA employee who identified herself as "Jackie" claimed that she saw evidence of colonies on Mars years ago. She didn't specify whether the colonies contained Martians, humans, or both, and judging by her other theory, the attacks on 9/11 didn't really happen. We're not so sure if she can be trusted.

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