How To Position Yourself As The Leading Fitness Expert!

Learn how to position yourself as the leading fitness expert in your area and earn thousands of dollars or more in the process!

What if I told you that in six months or less you could be recognized as leading fitness expert in your area? What impact would that have on your business?
There are many potential ways to position yourself as an expert and rather than cover all the possibilities, I'm going to give you what I feel is the easiest and fastest way. Before I get into the steps you need to take, I want to first reinforce the benefits and ensure you recognize how powerful it can be!

Why you need positioning as an expert
Here are just a few of the many benefits or reasons why you need to position yourself as an expert:

Media exposure / publicity
A positive piece of publicity is far more effective than any form of advertising or promotion out there. When people are told by their local paper/ TV news about how great your service is, they think much more of it because it's coming from a trusted/credible source.

Instant credibility
In addition to the positive media exposure, being and expert adds instant credibility and allows you to get your message in front of many more people. You can do radio/TV interviews, write articles, perform demonstrations, and even end up hosting your own radio/TV show - the possibilities are endless.

Your chances of receiving the above benefits is much harder, If not impossible unless you position yourself as an expert.

WOW large numbers of people
Another benefit is that you have the ability to get your message in front of more people. For example, would you rather meet with one potential client/customer a week or dozens? It's a no brainer ... plus, you don't even need to be a great speaker!

How to position yourself as an expert
So how do you position yourself as an expert? It's easy ... here's what you need to do:

1 : Write one new article each week/month
You should sit down at least once a month and write a short, but information packed fitness article. Then send it to your local media, put it on your website, use it in your newsletter, and submit it to other fitness websites.

You can also sometimes get contracts to write articles for magazines, newsletters, journals, other organizations, etc. After 
a while (usually a short while) you'll find that you'll be getting all sorts of requests to use your articles and tons of exposure. There's nothing like being a popular, fitness author!

2 : Speak to groups, classes, seminars, workshops
Way to position yourself as an expert with public speaking.

Here's what you do ...
Go online and do a search for "Adult learning in (your city)". You should come across quite a few organizations that offer numerous classes and workshops for adults. Check them out and see if they are offering any fitness classes.

If not, great ... contact them and offer to teach a class. If they already are offering some fitness classes, that's great too - this means there is definitely the demand and they see the value in offering fitness classes.

Not only will you get the chance to WOW a group of people (possibly your ideal clients), but you will often also receive a commission based on the number of students.

3 : Write a book or produce a video
I know you're thinking that this is too expensive or takes too much time - you're wrong! You can sit down and write a small book in a few weeks. You could even compile all those articles you've written and do a little editing and there you go!

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