When He Asked What These Canisters Were, His Grandpa Replied 'Just Cyanide Bombs'

If you know an old person, chances are you've seen some things in their house that've made you wonder, "How did they get this?" "What century is this from?" and "Should this be where people live?"

The third question was certainly on Reddit user Cjad's mind when he found some strange canisters in his grandpa's barn. He asked what they were, and his grandpa "casually" said, "Oh they're cyanide bombs!"

No biggie, just some super-dangerous-looking bombs inside the world's oldest plastic bag.

Here are some handy directions for accidentally gassing yourself.

Some nefarious-sounding ingredients here.

Some Reddit commenters believe that Cjad's grandpa was pulling his leg, and that these are actually just filled with carbon monoxide gas to poison rodents. That may very well be true, but they're still weird things to have just lying around, don't you think?

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