When He Asked What These Canisters Were, His Grandpa Replied 'Just Cyanide Bombs'

If you know an old person, chances are you've seen some things in their house that've made you wonder, "How did they get this?" "What century is this from?" and "Should this be where people live?"

The third question was certainly on Reddit user Cjad's mind when he found some strange canisters in his grandpa's barn. He asked what they were, and his grandpa "casually" said, "Oh they're cyanide bombs!"

No biggie, just some super-dangerous-looking bombs inside the world's oldest plastic bag.

Here are some handy directions for accidentally gassing yourself.

Some nefarious-sounding ingredients here.

Some Reddit commenters believe that Cjad's grandpa was pulling his leg, and that these are actually just filled with carbon monoxide gas to poison rodents. That may very well be true, but they're still weird things to have just lying around, don't you think?

A Girl's Mystery Illness Was Solved When Something Weird Shot Out Of Her Nose

Kids always seem to have colds, but when five-year-old Khloe Russell's 6-month stint with a runny nose started to stink, her mother panicked.

Doctors assumed that it was a sinus infection and prescribed various antibiotics, but it wasn't until she blew her nose into a tissue one day that a bizarre object flew out.

For six months, one side of Khloe's nose let out a constant flood of green mucus. Her mother told ABC 7 that "it stunk."

Doctors all over Hemet, California, prescribed different medications, but none of them worked.

Frustrated by the whole thing, Khloe's uncle told her to blow her nose as hard as she could. Much to everyone's surprise, out came a safety pin.
Only a kid could forget that she snorted a metal object. This situation could have been much, much worse.

People Are Killing Themselves By Eating The Fruit From This Tree

The Cerbera odollam plant grows in abundance across certain regions of Asia. While it looks pretty standard at first glance, its seeds are actually deadly to humans.

It's estimated that one person per week takes their own life with these seeds in India. In fact, researchers believe that they're linked to more suicides than any other poisonous plant in the world.

What makes the Cerbera odollam fruit so deadly is a compound contained in the seeds.
They contain toxins that alter how the heart operates. Cerberin (a digoxin-like cardenolide) and cardiac glycoside cause the heart to beat irregularly, which usually leads to death.

It is almost impossible to find traces of these toxic compounds in autopsies, so coroners often have a hard time determining a cause of death when this plant is involved.

It is believed to be the cause of thousands of suicides and murders.
Some people eat the seeds by mistake, while others have nefarious intentions. Because it's so hard to find traces of these chemicals, plenty of murderers make the seeds their weapons of choice.

They're also easily available to anyone who wants them.
In India and other regions of Asia, the prevalence of the so-called "suicide tree" is astounding. This sadly means that the seeds are readily available for purchase. Recently, a 22-year-old in America purchased the seeds for just over $5.

Be on the lookout for these trees if you plan on visiting Asia. If you're not careful, things could turn deadly.

This Airport In India Has A Serious Problem With UFOs

When you think of UFO hotspots around the globe, does India make that list? For the average alien enthusiast, usually not. However, recent evidence released by the Indian government might just change that.

Earlier this month, the head of the Indian government agency responsible for protecting the country's airports announced that more than 62 UFO sightings have been reported at a single hub since October 2015.

The airport in question is the relatively new and modern Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport in New Delhi (pictured below).

Surender Singh, director general of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), revealed last week that his personnel have reported 62 UFO sightings near the airport since October of last year.

Singh made his remarks regarding the sightings during a meeting to celebrate his organization's 47th anniversary.
"This is a general problem which is not only confined to the airport. There are other sensitive installations too (near the airport area). Soon guidelines will be out determining the responsibility of each agency in such cases," said Singh.

While many of the sightings turned out to be balloons or laser pointers, there are still many that remain unsolved.
"We take them all very seriously. We assume the[y're] genuine and all the procedures are undertaken to check them," remarked Singh.

Maybe someone opened up an interplanetary terminal at the New Delhi airport and forgot to alert the public?

The logical side of me just wants to believe that all those sightings are simply kids messing around. Still though, out of 62 sightings, you've got to think that at least one of them might be the real thing. I suppose time will tell on this one...

These People Volunteered To Go To Jail For Two Months, And This Is What Happened

Recently, President Obama made a historic visit the El Reno Federal Correctional Institution in Oklahoma in an effort to highlight problems with how we deal with crime in our country. It is the first time that a sitting president has visited an American prison.

And in the same vein, a new show on A&E called 60 Days In takes seven regular citizens into custody for a two-month period. It may sound like a nightmare waiting to happen, but it's an effort on the part of Sheriff Jamey Noel of Clark County, Indiana, to understand the deeper problems faced by the criminal justice system today.

To participate in the experiment, 7 volunteers, who have committed no crimes, spend two months in Clark County Jail. Both fellow inmates and guards believe them to be convicted criminals.

The show is produced by Sheriff Jamey Noel, who says that citizen volunteers provide him with the most unbiased insight into how the prison system can be improved.

During their stay, volunteers witnessed multiple instances of extreme violence and sexual harassment.

They also exposed a strange hierarchy among inmates. Newcomers were forced to give food to more seasoned inmates in order to receive bathroom privileges. The guards didn't even know that this was going on.

Due to the show's findings, several reforms have already been put into place, including a narcotics anonymous program. One prisoner was even arrested for bringing drugs into the facility.

The show seems to support President Obama's claim that "our criminal system isn't as smart as it could be." Indeed, there are currently 2.2 million people incarcerated in the U.S., which is more than the entire population of New Mexico. Most of those incarcerated are in jail in for nonviolent crimes. One in nine black men between the ages of 20 and 34 are behind bars, which points to injustice.

You can catch up on 60 Days In every Thursday at 10/9c on A&E. Head over to their website to watch full episodes online.