Recommendations And Marketing Tips For Trainers

Marketing tips for trainers - 1. Offer a 'Bring a friend to workout day.' Learn more from this and 7 other descriptive ideas to improve your marketing and how you are perceived by clients!

Marketing Tips For Trainers
->Offer A "Bring A Friend To Workout Day."
Many people have friends and family that they would love to invite to the gym, but they can't offer them anything due to the restrictions. Several clients would like try your workout, but they often don't feel that you have enough time to fit them in.

Simply put, make them feel that they can offer a simple date where they can just bring someone in and the gym will allow them to workout, after signing wavers. Give your clients something that they can actually hand to someone else.

"Many People Have Friends And Family
That They Would Love To Invite To The Gym."

A guest pass with a specific date on it is always best. Once someone gets to know you, then they are more likely to use you. Plant some seeds and watch them grow.

-> Form Your Own "Biggest Loser" Competition:
Have your clients take measurements; weight, inches, etc. Make a simple formula to add inches on the chest and subtract inches on the waist. Then ask local businesses to provide gifts or discounts and put it all together and make a grand prize. Some of the cost can be offset by asking for $20/per person to enter. Make it so they get some free training from you as well.

Have Your Clients Take Measurements.
The average client loves this as additional motivation and also note that most clients talk about this competition at work. That sparks an interest in the work that you do and makes what you do more interesting than other trainers.

You should also have a poster board to show off those who are competing and place a small bio on them. Follow up with a before and after picture, which can also be used by you for later marketing. I know some trainers who have advertised that their clients have lost a total of 10,000 pounds. Obviously those are large number trainers, but you get the idea.

-> Offer A Buy 5 Get One Free:
If a client buys five workouts then they can obtain a free visit. It puts money in your pocket and it is also a great way to say thank you for choosing me as your trainer. Marketing to the business that you already have is a smart and useful way to increase your income.

Many services that you can offer are right at your finger tips. Groups of people going to the shopping market to learn about what foods to buy and those to avoid, stirs a lot of interest.

Grocery Shopping.
Making this "smart shopping adventure" as a bonus for buying a months worth of services, offers more value to what you offer verses another trainer.

-> Have A Free Stretching Class For Families:
One night a week, bring in a "mother-daughter" or some simple format of a class. Make it just 40 minutes long and enjoy it. Your liability is low with this type of activity, so the gym should kick back on this event. If you are like most people, you will need to stretch and so it is beneficial for you too.

-> Go To Businesses And Discuss A Healthy Living Program To Include Information On Exercise And Healthy Eating Habits:
Keep it simple. Most insurance companies offer a discount to companies who have enacted a healthy living program.
Most companies do not want the liability or expense associated with having a gym, so a group discount at a local gym where you train is always the best idea. Invite a local physician to talk, which helps drum up business for them and makes you look more professional.

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