Simple Rules To Making A Living As A Personal Trainer!

Becoming a personal trainer is the easy part for most newly certified personal trainers, making a living can be much more difficult. AFI shares six simple rules for earning a healthy living as a certified personal trainer. Read on.

Becoming a Certified Personal Trainer is the easy part for most newly Certified Personal Trainers, making a living as a trainer can be much more difficult. AFI will share with you six simple rules for earning a healthy living as a Certified Personal Trainer.

First, ask yourself this question: If two Trainers both earning $50,000.00 a year, one who works forty hours a week, and the other works ten hours a week, at the end of the year which trainer is richer?

Since both trainers earn the same amount of money, the question has less to do about money, and more about the freedom mentality of personal trainers. The person working forty hours a week is earning around $20.00 an hour, the one working ten hours a week is earning $100.00 an hour, they both earn the same $50,000.00 at the end of the year.

Which Trainer Is Richer?
I would argue that the person working only ten hours is much, much richer. An extra 30 hours a week to spend with friends and family or building your business is absolutely priceless. Time is why the ten-hour a week person is richer; they have the luxury of time.

So how do we turn each and every one of you into the ten-hour a week $50,000.00 a year trainer, or even the 20 hour a week $100,000.00 a year trainer? It is a lot easier than you think and it is actually quite easy if you follow a few simple rules.

These rules apply both to Independent and In-house Trainers in the clubs. Independent Trainers have more freedom in general, including with pricing, and In-house Trainers can earn a healthy living working inside of a health club.

There is a lot less risk involved in going to work in one spot, and working for a club as a trainer is still filled with a lot of freedom, especially when you compare it to most other careers out there. In-house trainers can still follow the same simple rules and make the most they possibly can inside the club with the least amount of effort.

Giving 110% Of Your Effort
Has a manager, a coach or a teacher ever asked you to give 110%? I hear it all the time, and it is ridiculous, you can only ever give 100% of your effort. This brings me to the Pareto principal, which is more commonly known as the 80/20 rule. The Pareto Principle is that 20% of your effort is responsible for 80% of your return. Meaning 20 percent of your work brings you 80 percent of your money.

Don't believe it? Well the 80/20 rule is an average that applies to just about everything, e.g. 20% of your floor get 80% of the foot traffic, 20% of the world population holds 80% of the worlds wealth, 20% of the drivers cause 80% of traffic accidents. It goes on and on.

You Can Only Give 100% Of Your Effort.
So when trying to build your business, that means that that don't try to put 100% of your effort into it, just your best 20%. Why? Because your 100% has a whole lot of unproductiveness mixed in with it.

When prospecting, focus the best of your efforts, 20% is an average, so you can begin by focusing 10% of your efforts on building new business. Set up a time to be productive, put it in your schedule as an appointment so you will be sure to get done.

Write it in your book and treat it like a paid appointment that cannot be moved or cancelled. 10% of 60 minutes is only 6 minutes. For 6 minutes, hit the gym floor and focus on setting appointments. Six minutes is the minimum, if you can do more effectively, do more.

There are 40 hours in a traditional workweek, begin by scheduling 10% for building your business, which is only four hours a week. For those four-hours, you must force yourself to be productive. For an average of only 6 minutes an hour, you need to be focused on the single-minded task of growing your business. 6 minutes of focused effort can equal $100 an hour, twice a week totaling an additional $10,400.00 a year.

That means that at least once every hour while in the gym you spend 10% of the time laser focused on setting appointments for first workouts, ignoring all distractions. 10% is the minimum; if you can do 20% stay out there for 12 minutes, but then take a break.

Spend 10% Of The Time Making Appointments..
Outside of the gym, force yourself to strike up a conversation with a stranger, break out of your comfort zone and spend ALL of your prospecting time speaking to people you do not know. Follow the 80/20 rule, give your best and then recharge so that you can do it again.

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