Need Help Finding A Trainer? Here Is What You Need To Do!

It is more difficult to find a personal trainer than it is a good doctor. You have to select the right person since they are stepping into your life... Here are questions you need to ask.

Finding The Right Trainer
It is more difficult to find a personal trainer than it is a good doctor. You have to select the right person since they are stepping into your life and will likely be taking over several important areas. Your fitness goals are about a personal and unique as finding the right mate for you.

Deciding who to get is almost a turkey shoot and can be very costly if you don't pick the right personal trainer. Luckily there are some simple guidelines to follow that will result in your finding the right match.

First step is setting your goals and deciding what you want to do. Then make a simple choice of how you are going to get there. For example, are you going to run, lift weights, do Pilates, yoga, etc? There are a million ways to get fit and depending on your fitness goals, they can determine what you need in the way of a trainer.

Now let's say you are in the Chicago area, you have to pick a trainer who isn't on the other side of the Dan Ryan expressway at rush hour. Cost is another huge issue and making the wrong choice there will land you in bankruptcy court.

It get's pretty complicated to find the right personal trainer and then finally you have to mix in personality. They have to motivate you and that is the primary reason you need a trainer. It is more important than what they know in most cases. If you aren't motivated to do the workout, then you might as well take up photography.

The selection of the best trainer also involves several other issues, such as time convenience (i.e. do they have time for you when you want to train?) Other major factors include what if you want to train with a group or just individually?

Questions To Explore
The choices can be maddening and you really have to consider the whole interview process worthy of a lot of significant questions. So let's take a look at the various issues and some useful questions that you need to explore.
  • What is your name?
  • What is the best way to contact you?
  • What kind of people do you train now?
  • What is your certification?
  • How long have you been certified?
  • How long have you been training? (yes, they may be different)
  • What is your personal situation? (Asking about a trainers personal situation helps with gaining their knowledge of your personal situation. Mom's deal best with mom's - since they can relate to your specific condition. Single guys are usually best with single girls - at least they motivate them until they get married. Older individuals deal best with older individuals. And people in a particular sport are best served by a trainer who participated in their sport.)
  • Did you go to college and graduate with a degree?
  • What is that degree in?
  • Do you train in groups or as a one-on-one situation?
  • What is your cancellation policy?
  • What types of vacations do you take?
  • Do you offer a group discount? (They should)
  • Do you offer nutritional consulting? (requires additional training and certification, illegal in some states)
  • What gyms do they train at?
  • Is your membership included in the price? Are there special rates?
  • Do you offer package rates?
  • Is there a discount for prepaying?
  • Do you provide a fitness evaluation? Do you offer special rates for BodPod testing? (fat % testing)
  • Do you work with local physicians to help with various conditions? (Any trainer who has established themselves in the community has taken the time to work with various professionals to increase their particular training position.)
  • What hours do you work?
  • What other qualities do you posses related to my specific needs?
  • What other normal fees are charged? Additional training outside of the gym can include many things.
  • Do you operate on the ten day rule? Many quality trainers will offer a short time of evaluation that is free of excessive fees and geared towards the convergence of the relationship between trainer and client.
  • Do you have a website?
  • Do you carry malpractice or liability insurance?
  • When was your last CPR certification?

If this all seems complicated, it should be. You are about to put someone in a command position of several aspects of your life. Significant questions are necessary to properly evaluate this individual. An additional service has just become available and the choice is pretty simple. Roll the dice and ask some questions or ask a professional to help evaluate your situation. Given the importance of the decision, I personally would ask the professional.

You can contact and let them help you find the perfect trainer. Trainers are also welcome to contact Heather Frey at Started by NPC national figure competitor and mother of two, Heather Frey, her website has helped thousands of clients reach and match up with quality trainers. They allow for a selection process and also an interview prior to the first workout/evaluation. Several plans are available and discounts are offered.

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