Exploring Other Treatment Female Hair Loss

1. Consult a hair transplant surgeon
The process of transplanting hair involves removing healthy hair follicles from areas on your scalp where your hair is thick, and transplanting those in to areas where the hair is thinning, or where hair loss is most evident.
  • This type of procedure involves removing hundreds of hair follicles and grafting them into areas where they are needed.
  • While hair transplant surgery is expensive, the results are very good and are permanent.

2. Ask your doctor about low-level light therapy
The process of low-level light therapy, or LLLT, was discovered in the 1960s and found to be helpful in promoting wound healing.
  • Several products are available, and approved by the FDA, that use LLLT technology. While the documented results of this form of treatment do not meet scientific measures of efficacy, many individual patients did see positive results.
  • The underlying mechanism of action for LLLT is not completely understood, but studies have indicated that a change occurs at the cellular level, improving hair growth in many people. More work is needed to develop products that work more efficiently.
3. Take vitamins and nutrients
Work with a nutritionist to establish a diet that is rich in any vitamins or nutrients you may not routinely consume, or that your doctor may have identified as deficient. Take vitamins or supplements that may provide additional doses beyond what you consume in diet.
  • Take products that contain omega 3 and omega 6. The use of omega 3 and omega 6 products are not approved for use in the treatment of hair loss. However, one study done in women with FPHL showed good results when they took products contain omega 3 and omega 6 for six months.
  • Another study done in women resulted in positive results when products containing the B vitamins and L-cysteine were taken for a four month duration.
4. Ask your doctor about taking melatonin
One research study done in a small group of women showed positive results in treating hair loss when melatonin was used.
  • The women that participated in this study showed an increase in the anagen phase of hair growth, and resulted in improvement in hair thinning.
  • The women in the study used a 0.1% topical solution of melatonin applied to the scalp area for six months.
  • This was the first clinical trial using melatonin in this manner. More research is needed to determine any risks that may be involved in using melatonin in this manner.
5. Consider using topical lavender
One small study showed positive results using lavender.
  • There is very little evidence to support the use of herbal remedies in treating hair loss, however one preliminary study showed good results when using lavender combined with other herbal oils, in treating some forms of hair loss.
  • Lavender should not be taken orally. Scalp or skin irritation may occur when lavender is applied topically.

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