Finding the Underlying Cause Thinning Hair

1. See if hormonal causes are at play
The most common cause of thinning hair for both men and women is a hereditary condition in which sex hormones cause hair to fall out in a particular pattern. While male or female pattern baldness is permanent, there are certainly measures you can take to slow it down and treat it.
  • Sometimes hormonal fluctuations lead to impermanent hair loss. Women who are pregnant, have discontinued birth control, or are going through menopause may experience temporary hair thinning.
  • Handling the hair gently, using all-natural hair products and changing your hair style can help slow the progression of hormone-related thinning.
2. Determine if it's a medical condition
Certain medical conditions can cause hair loss. Treating these conditions can help slow or halt hair loss. If you are concerned you may have one of the following conditions, talk to your doctor about starting a treatment program so your hair will start growing back in.
  • Thyroid issues. When your thyroid isn't working properly, you might notice more hair falling out than usual.
  • Scalp infections and skin disorders. Hair loss might result from a skin condition like ringworm. Treating the issue can help the hair grow back.
  • Alopecia areata. This is a disorder in which the body's immune system actually attacks hair follicles.
3. Check your medications
Certain medications lead to hair loss. If you're on a medication that lists hair loss as a side effect, you can discuss other options with your doctor. It may not be possible to switch to another medication, but it's worth looking into. Drugs used to treat the following conditions commonly lead to hair thinning:
  • Cancer
  • Depression
  • Heart problems
  • Arthritis
  • High blood pressure
4. Figure out if stress is the culprit
Hair loss can result from physical or mental shock as well as ongoing stress. Any type of shock to the system is going to have a physical effect, and hair loss is a common occurrence when these conditions are at play.
  • If you're chronically stressed, dealing the causes of your stress is an important way to keep yourself in good physical condition.

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