Finding Solutions for Rapid Hair Loss

1. Wait
Sometimes you just have to wait for your hair to resume its normal cycle. This can take some time, though, usually months to years. Spend this time focusing on getting your body and mind healthy so that your hair will stay healthy too.
  • If you lose your hair after menopause or childbirth, it can take 6 months to 2 years to regain normal hair growth.
  • If you lost your hair due to an illness or high fever, then hair growth will usually go back to normal once the illness is under control or the fever has ended.
  • Hair loss can be caused by medication or radiation therapy and will likely grow back once you are finished with the medicine or therapy. You might also consider changing meds.
2. Wear a wig, weave, or hair piece
A wig, hat or other type of hair replacement can be inexpensive, safe and help you maintain the appearance of a full head of hair. Changing your hair style can also disguise thinning hair. In some cases, your hair may grow back while you are wearing a wig, weave or hair piece and you won’t need it anymore.

3. Get a hair transplant
Hair transplants can be an expensive but effective means to solving a thinning hair problem. Right now the most common types of hair transplants are follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Technology is rapidly advancing, though, so new techniques may be available in the future.
  • The FUSS procedure involves a strip of hair from a donor region that is implanted and often sutured into the desired area. Several grafts can be transplanted for more moderate to severe hair loss.
  • With a FUE procedure, hair strands from the back and sides of the head are transplanted into the desired area in groups. FUE can provide very natural-looking growth and does not usually involve any major cutting so it has less recovery time than FUSS.
  • Keep in mind that you may require additional sessions if you are not happy with the results or lose more hair.
4. Have a scalp reduction done
For this procedure, the surgeon will remove a bald area of your scalp. The skin on your scalp is elastic and can be stretched to move areas of hair over the area that was removed. Headaches can occur after this procedure but can be treated with pain relievers.

5. Try laser hair restoration
This procedure can stop hair loss and encourage more hair growth. A laser is passed over the scalp to stimulate it, encouraging blood and nutrients to reach the hair follicles. Some people have found laser hair restoration effective for hair loss.

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