Preventing Rapid Hair Loss

1. Avoid stress
Stress can be a huge factor in hair loss. It can change the way that hair grows on your head and cause you to shed a large amount at one time. Try to relax and don’t let day-to-day events cause you to worry excessively.
  • Know that you can’t conquer hair loss overnight. It takes time to deal with the issues behind hair loss and start to regrow your hair. Don’t stress out over your hair loss.
2. Practice Meditation
Meditation can help eliminate stress and keep you calm. It will promote emotional and physical well-being, including the health of your hair. Take a five minute break every day to close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Inhale slowly through your nose, concentrating on the way your breath feels as it passes through your nostrils into your chest. Fill your belly with air so that it expands. Exhale through your nose and notice as your abdomen deflates. Repeat this until you feel calm and relaxed.
3. Exercise
Exercising helps keep your body healthy and increase blood circulation. It can also keep stress at bay. You can try walking, yoga, playing sports or swimming—anything that gets your heart pumping that you find enjoyable. Exercise also releases endorphins that make you feel good and decrease the stress that can cause hair loss.

4. Don’t use chemicals in your hair
Hair dyes, sprays, heat, perms and relaxers, all contribute to hair breakage and loss. They can cause damage to your scalp and make your hair brittle and dry. Chemicals are never good to use when you are losing your hair and can even be the culprit, so stay away from them. 
  • Condition your hair regularly. Warm oil treatments or olive oil left on overnight twice a week can improve the condition of your hair.
5. Clean and brush your hair
Regular hair maintenance is important for keeping your hair healthy. Tangles can create breakage, so you will want to shampoo your hair regularly and brush it out every day. The scalp secretes oils when hair is brushed that keeps hair healthy. Though brushing can seem to cause some hair loss, it is usually the hair we are shedding naturally that comes out.
  • Brushing wet hair or aggressively towel drying your hair can damage it. Be gentle with your hair.
  • Some hairstyles like cornrows, tight braids or pony tails can cause hair loss. Don’t do your hair this way anymore if you notice that you are starting to lose more hair than normal.
  • Bad brushes can also contribute to breakage, so use a good quality brush with soft bristles or a wide-toothed comb.
6. Eat healthy
Some vitamin and nutrient deficiencies can cause hair loss. You will want to make sure you are eating lots of green, leafy vegetables, fruit, whole grains, omega 3 fatty acids and protein. You may want to take a whole foods-derived multivitamin to keep your skin and hair healthy.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids nourish hair follicles, keep hair more elastic to prevent breakage and promote hair growth. Eat flaxseeds, walnuts, salmon, sardines and soybeans. You can also take an omega 3 fatty acid supplement.
  • If you’re deficient in zinc, you can lose your hair. Zinc is essential for hair growth and repair, so be sure to include foods like oysters, crabs, lean meats, wheat germ, spinach, squash, sunflower seeds and nuts into your diet.
  • Include vitamins A and C in your diet. These vitamins help produce the oil secreted by hair follicles that keep hair strong. Eat carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, collard greens, swiss chard, winter squash and lettuce for vitamin A. Vitamin C can be found in papaya, peppers, strawberries, pineapples, Brussel sprouts, oranges, kiwi, broccoli and kale.

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