Just North Of Area 51 Is Another Bizarre Site Known As Area 6

If you're even vaguely familiar with Area 51, you know that there's something weird happening in Nevada. But what if I told you that there was an even weirder location just 12 miles north of Area 51?

It sounds like a conspiracy theory, but several Google Earth photographs have sparked a pretty serious debate online. Oh, and its existence was recently confirmed by the government.

Below is an aerial photograph of the location known as Area 6.
Area 6 sits within the Nevada National Security Site, formerly known as the Nevada Proving Grounds. In the 1940s and 1950s, several underground nuclear detonations were performed here. The site is currently under the control of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).

After the photographs of Area 6 became public, the NNSA repeatedly deflected requests for an explanation.

This week, however, the NNSA finally caved and told the media that Area 6 is used by the Defense Department and the Department of Homeland Security.
"They come here to test their own sensors. We do a wide variety of work for others…supporting people with sensor development activities. It evolved from the nuclear testing program. We had to have very good sensors to collect data in a split second before they were obliterated," said Darwin Morgan, a spokesman for the NNSA.

Other uncovered documentation about Area 6 describes the site as being a testing ground for drones.

Okay, so it doesn't look like a place that houses alien bodies, which Area 51 very well could be. That being said, who knows if the NNSA is actually telling the truth?

Whether or not this explanation is accurate, at least the government decided to say something this time! If only someone in the government now would go on the record about Area 51...

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